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You are now the owner of the one and only Martin Garrix note.
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Thanks so much!

All of the proceeds of this note are donated to War Child and SOS Children’s Villages, two charities I have been working with for years. Thanks so much for your support and I can't wait to see how much we're able to donate to charity!

Martin Garrix
Martin GarrixMartin Garrix

Keep your note safe

As a thank you, enter your serial code below and have the chance to win a Martin Garrix hoodie!

Enter your serial code for a chance to win amazing prizes!

    War Child

    Thanks to your donation, War Child is able to support children who live in the midst of armed conflict. Encouraging them to rediscover their joy, process their experiences and regain confidence in themselves and others.

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    SOS Children's Village

    Thanks to your donation, SOS Children’s Villages ensures that every child and young person -without parental care or at risk of losing it- grows up with the bonds they need to become their strongest self.

    video thumbnail

    “All there is to know about your note.”

    Front of the Martin Garrix 10 year bill, point 1 is in the top left of the bill, point 2 is to the right of Martin Garrix face towards the top of the bill, point 3 is in the bottom right of the bill, point 4 is on the right side vertically centered. Point 5 is on the left towards the center of the bill.
    Back of the Martin Garrix 10 year bill, point 6 is on the top side centered of the bill and showcases what happens if you but the bill under UV light, point 7 is on the left side of the bill vertically centered, point 8 is towards the bottom on the left, point 9 is on the right side vertically centered, point 10 is 2 cm to the right of point 8 on the bill.

    Discover the features

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      Song titles

      Explore the complete list of all songs that Martin Garrix has released throughout his career.

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      The portrait & logos are tactile, and can be felt with the fingertips in this unique note specific plate printing process.

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      MIDI melody

      The MIDI melody of Martin Garrix’s hit ‘Animals‘ can be found here. MIDI is a digital language for music melodies.

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      Fine line structures

      The design of the note is carefully built out of fine line and unique micro patterns to defy replication by any counterfeiter.

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      The note is secured with a watermark. The globe motif symbolizes Martin Garrix’s global fanbase.

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      UV features

      Hold the back of the note under Ultra Violet light and watch Martin Garrix’s show come to life.

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      STMPD RCRDS and STMPD Studios are inextricably linked to Martin Garrix and were both set up with the ethos of putting artists first.

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      QR code

      Scan the QR code on each note to unlock exclusive content.

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      Unique numbering

      Each note has a unique number, which you can fill in when you scan the QR code. Your number gives access to various raffles in the coming year.

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      Number 10

      The note commemorates the 10th anniversary of Martin Garrix’s hit ‘Animals’, marking the takeoff of his international career.

    Made with love by